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HMSC Remote Gateway Fail-over testing Tuesday 18th August 2020 12:05:00

UIT Telecom is conducting fail-over testing for the HMSC telephone gateway

Date/Time: 18 Aug 12 -1 pm

Impact: There will be a short outage when the system goes into fail over and when it is failed back. While the system is in a fail-over state 5-digit dialing will not be possible to or from the site being tested. During the test window calls to or from the affected location will require that you dial 9 and then the full ten digit extension for the number you’re trying to reach.

Contact for more information: Telecom help line (541)-737-4357 opt 1 or telecom.help@oregonstate.edu

Failing back to normal operation. Testing took longer as we had to make changes to routing table.