Oregon State University
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Multi-service Outage Monday 8th March 2021 20:18:00

At approximately 2:30pm Monday, March 8, OSU became aware of an issue that has impacted several key Oregon State services. We are actively monitoring systems and will continue to update on service status throughout the day.

Affected services include: OSCAR, CORE, Tableau, OSU Foundation transactional systems (scholarship and direct payment systems), Grant reporting system (GRS), Voicemail integration to Outlook

There may be other services impacted that we are not yet aware of. If you are experiencing issues with a particular system, please contact the Service Desk between 8am and 7pm: https://beav.es/help.

CORE Reporting is now operational. If you have questions about any IAR service, please email iar.ref@oregonstate.edu

Monday, March 15, 2021: Updated: Grant Reporting System (GRS) and OACIS (Online Activity Code Input System) are now Operational.

As of Monday, March 15, 2021, 12:57PM: CORE data is being restored. HR and Finance data is current. Student data is still being restored. Please contact iar.ref@oregonstate.edu with specific questions about CORE and CORE report availability.

The following systems and services are now ACTIVE at a degraded level of service:

  1. Jaspersoft is currently available at a degraded service level. Stale data may appear on some reports – this will be resolved as data processes are run
  2. OSUF – Scholarship System is currently available at a degraded service level. Stale data may appear on some reports – this will be resolved as data processes are run
  3. Grant Reporting System (GRS) is currently available at a degraded service level. Stale data may appear on some reports – this will be resolved as data processes are run

The OSU Voicemail system is now delivering messages to Voicemail/Email integrated accounts. Message Waiting Indicators (MWI) lights are working as well.

The following systems and services are now ACTIVE at a degraded level of service.

  1. CORE
  2. OSUF – Direct Payment System
  3. OSUF – FS Index Reimbursement System
  4. OACIS

The restoration of services is ongoing, this means some reports are available now and others will come online as jobs and processes are completed. We will provide another email update when services become fully operational.

Please note the following:

  1. Stale data may appear on some reports – this will be resolved as jobs run
  2. Some reports won't run at all due to a missing configuration – the reporting team will work to resolve these issues as they surface

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact iar.ref@oregonstate.edu.

Please check https://status.is.oregonstate.edu for the latest developments on this ongoing effort.

Correction: OSCAR is still offline.

OSCAR is now accessible via either on-campus networks or VPN.

Voicemail integration to Outlook email is still down. A previous update incorrectly reported that this service had been restored. Voicemail is still working for "voicemail only" customers.

Voicemail integration to Outlook is also currently down.

The following service is also currently down: OSCAR. An earlier update incorrectly stated that AWA uploads, FTPs to Banner, and Banner development were down, but these services are working normally.